Tax Workshop and Wine Tasting

Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Time: 2:45pm - 7:30pm
Location: HASR Wine Company, 2nd Floor
Speaker: Ron Heller, Attorney & CPA, Kurt Kawafuchi, Esq., Chris Mashia, Esq. & Tom Yamachika, President of Tax Foundation of Hawaii

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                Tax Workshop & Wine Tasting

DATE:            February 7, 2018, Wednesday

TIME:            2:45 p.m. – Registration
                        3:30 – 5:30 p.m. – Tax Workshop
                        5:30-7:30 p.m. – Wine Tasting & light pupus from HASR Bistro

TOPIC:          “New Federal Tax Reform:  Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017”
                        2 CE credits available (CFP & CPA credits pending)

SPEAKERS:   Ron Heller, Attorney & CPA
                         Kurt Kawafuchi, Esq.
                         Chris Mashiba, Esq.
                         Tom Yamachika, President of Tax Foundation of Hawaii

PLACE:          HASR Wine Company, 2nd Floor
                         31 No. Pauahi Street, Honolulu HI 96813 / Tel. 535-9436
                         For more information, visit their website:
                         See attached map.  Parking entrance to the underground municipal
                         parking lot is from Beretania Street only.

COST:             $42 for HEPC member & $42 for HEPC member’s guest
            (Includes:  Workshop & Wine Tasting OR Workshop only OR Wine Tasting only)

RSVP by January 31, 2018, Wednesday,
or until filled (space is limited)

RSVP directly to Stephanie Asato at and mail your check payable to HEPC to:
Stephanie Asato, c/o Bank of Hawaii, P. O. Box 3170, CC#748, Honolulu HI 96802-3170

Member’s Name: ____________________________Tel. No_____________ @                $42.00              

Guest (s) Name:___________________________________________

                     ______________________________________________ @ $42.00 each       $_______

                                                                                                                          Total               $_______

Please mail check payable to HEPC c/o Bank of Hawaii, Attn:  Stephanie Asato
P. O. Box 3170, CC#748, Honolulu  HI  96802-3170

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