Document Library


Council Documents

Document Name Date Added
Articles of Incorporation 2019-09-12
2024 Member Application 2023-12-23
HEPC Bylaws 2021-01-19
Articles of Association (1967) 2023-12-07


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General Documents

Document Name Date Added
Speaker Bio - David M. Eckstein, CFA 2024-05-09
Speaker Bio-Michael J. O'Malley 2021-11-18
Speaker Bio - Paris Priore-Kim 2023-03-30
Speaker Bio - Thomas L. Stirling Jr. 2024-04-11
Speaker Bio - Kurt Kawafuchi 2024-03-02
Natsunoya map 2022-07-27
Speaker Bios-June 2022 2022-06-10
Speaker CV: Paul H. Brewbaker, PhD, CBE 2024-09-01
UH Pre-game Reception map 2022-05-06
Speaker Bio - Michael Yee 2023-09-17
Membership Application 2020-05-28
Bishop Museum Fact Sheet 2023-08-07
Speaker Bio-Guy Fujishige 2023-07-14
HEPC-UH February 2020 flyer 2020-02-01
Speaker Bio - Chris Ponsar, MAI, SRA 2024-05-09
Speaker Bio-Paul Brewbaker 2022-02-16
Golf-restaurant map 2019-09-12
Speaker Bio-Scott Spallina 2023-06-06
Speaker meeting outline (April) 2024-04-11
2023 Membership Application 2023-03-08
HASR map 2019-09-12
Speaker Bio-Gary A Powell 2023-03-08
Speaker Bio - Kalama Kim 2024-09-30
Speaker Bio: Paul H. Brewbaker, PhD, CBE 2024-09-01
Speaker Bios - Dan Vermillion & Rosanne Muschenheim 2022-04-15
Bishop Museum campus map 2023-08-07
Speaker Bio = Keli'i Akina, Ph.D. 2024-07-05
Speaker Bio - Anthony Gemmato 2023-07-14
Speaker Bio - Al W. King III 2022-03-19

Speaker's Presentation

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