Annual August Social Event (VIRTUAL)

Date: Thursday, August 27, 2020
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm

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TIME:  5:30 - Welcome

          5:45 - 6:15 - Frank Delima

          6:20 - Introduction of New 2020 HEPC Members

          6:30 - Singing Contest - HEPC members only
                      Register with Stephanie Asato (

                      Prize:  $100 gift card each - top 5 winners

  •      5 Days of Work (Tune of "12 Days of Christmas")
  •      Make up your own words using this tune & the theme is "Coming back to work 5 days after
         Covid-19".  Your personal song lyrics will start off with:
             On the 1st day of work, my Boss he give to me, one ____________
             On the 2nd day of work, my Boss he give to me, two ____________

          7:00 - Mask Contest - HEPC members only

                     Funniest, Outrageous, Scariest & Sexiest

                Prize:  $100 gift card - 1st place for each category

          7:10 - Breakout room for socializing

          7:30 - End

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