HEPC February Event - UH Foundation and UH Men's Basketball

Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: UH Stan Sheriff Center, SimpliFi Arena, Ewa Room
Speaker: Allison Ohanian, Associate Vice President, Gift Planning and Donor Development

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Parking:   $10.00 via credit card at Zone 20 (main University of Hawaii parking structure)
TIME:     5:00 pm - Registration & Taco Bar (cash bar available)
               5:30 to 6:30 pm - Welcome remarks from UH Foundation
                             Speaker:  Allison Ohanian, Associate Vice Presidence, Gift Planning and Donor Development
               7:00 pm - UH Men's Basletball Game:  UH vs UH Riverside
                               Game hosted by UH Manoa Athletic Department & UH Foundation
COST:    HEPC Members, no charge
              Guest Fee at $50 per person - see details below

If you indicate that you will be attending, please do not be a "no-show".  No-shows will be charged $50.00 per person.

RSVP: Thursday, February 11, 2025, or until 60 maximum capacity, via HEPC Website (instructions below)
(Please RSVP for you and your guest(s), if applicable, via the HEPC website following the instructions below.  You can now pay guest fees online with a credit card or PayPal (a fee of 1.99% + $0.49 per transaction will apply).  Check payments are also acceptable by using the HEPC meeting notice sent via email, bottom portion.)

When RSVP'ing, please indicate if you will be attending the meeting only or the meeting and the game.

Website RSVP Instructions
2.  Click "MEMBER LOGIN" in the top right corner
3.  Enter your USERNAME & PASSWORD - Your default username is your first and last name (all lower case letters with no spaces in between) and your default password is your first and last name (with capital letters at the start of each name).  Once you log in, you may change your password.  If you are unable to log in, you may enter your email address associated with Hawaii Estate Planning Council and your username and password will be emailed to you.
4.  Find the date of the event on the left column and click on "See Event Details"
5.  Click the blue "Register Now" button towards the bottom of the page.
6.  Complete the registration page - please note, if you are a member, your payment method should be "Pre-paid".
7.  If you are registering for a guest, you can now pay guest fees online rather than mailing a check.  To do so, when registering the guest, choose "Credit Card or PayPal" as the payment method for the guest.
8.  Upon submission of your RSVP, you will receive an email confirmation.

See Upcoming Event Calendar